Aditya R is an Emerging Psychologist from Tamil Nadu. He is Currently Pursing his Dual Master’s in Psychology (Health and Rehabiltation) and (Clinical Psychology). His Excellance in the field of Psychology is Remarkable. He mostly learned from his own Struggles that he faced in his life. He is also a Pianist and former FIDE Rated Chess Player. He is also currently experimenting in ‘Musical Therapy’.
He has his Own Ideology in the topic of Psychology which helped many people solve their miseries and sufferings in an easy manner. He Always quotes that there is an ackward way to get Oppurtunities out of Pain.
He is also a writer who’s works are published earlier and currently working in a Book “Psychodrama” to establish his experiments and theories worldwide.
He is once a Science Promoter now turned Psychologist as his core way. His constant effort is to lay powerful basement in human minds in order to survive any Circumstances.
Over 400* Years ago, There lived a Yogi on the foothills of Ponmudi in Kerala.He is the Great Great Grandfather’s Brother of Aditya. He is a Bramachari (One who left all his Fantasies and Desires from their Life to get One with Self). His Name is Still Unknown as Most of his History Got Vanished in the Period of Western Civilization in India.
On digging the truth behind his existence with available resources, Aditya came to know that he is not just a yogi, But also has certain Supernatural Powers which helped many people regain their lives. He had Mastry over his seven Chakras. He gave food to scarcity. His continous efforts to built a Dream Society is always insane, Even though he doesn’t expect anything back in return, which signifies he is a True ‘Karma Yogi’. He worshipped “Manthiramoorthi”, His Own Demigod.
Even though some of his Rebels due to jelousy, Destroyed all his tools without making him complete the Project of Making a Society filled with ‘Peace and Prosperity’. Later he went into Samadhi. His Spirit Left the body without completing his Birth purpose.His Demigod “Manthiramoorthi” is still Being worshipped by people in a small shrine in Vithura Village, Trivandrum.
Aditya took the Yogi’s Responsibility of making his Dream of Building such Society to come True. Its a Difficult Task, But not Impossible… With his own Ideologies and the help of the Leftover Ancient Texts, Aditya Designed Certain Psychological and Yogic Ways to Stabilize Human Mind’s, which will be initianed through Raksha Foundation.